2013 Resolutions

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-based

1) Fully take over my upper-study's job before he ORD.
1a - Start noting down job scope and responsibilities on paper.
2) Revise on my JC syllabus latest after I ORD.
2a - Revise periodically during nights when time permits.
2b - Revise when free during weekends.
3) Start taking driving lessons before end of year.
3a - Start reading up on BTT (and FTT) before ORD.
3b - Sign-up for tests before ORD.
3c - Start practical before end of year.
4) Improve my guitar skills to master higher frets by end of year.
5) Get a scholarship for university by end of year.
6) Go on an overseas trip (preferably not alone) after I ORD.

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