Saturday, 27 August 2011

Which is worse?

Emotions... abstract stuff, aren't they?
As aforementioned, do people really understand the meaning of "I love you" when it comes out of our mouth?
Even if they do, do they really mean it? Well, others will never find out, will they?

Humans are seriously truly scary creatures.
We have the gift of conscious thought, yet also the discretion to hide.
We have the ability to trust, yet also the skill to lie.
We have the heart to love, yet also the probable intent to destroy.
Disastrous concoction isn't it?
"You'll never know what I know unless I tell you what I know truthfully."
Thats my favourite quote (from yours sincerely) that summarises human connections.
What people don't say, we will never know.
Even for what people say, we can never know the truth behind the words with absolute certainty.
We might assume that people would be truthful when talking about grievous issues,
especially those that of the utmost importance to oneself.
Yet, does this assumption stand without fail? Is it always reciprocated?

We all have a different set of moral and value judgments, with regards to different matters that pertain to us.
We have a uniquely calibrated ruler to measure the importance of issues ;
to some it may be the difference between heaven and hell, to others it may be as trivial as a game, a pastime.
How then, can the aforementioned assumption stand,
when we don't know how much importance the other party puts into the issue and the thoughts they are harboring?
When it comes to conversations, some parties might have an inherent (or artificial) high ground as compared to others.
Such is the ground that those with overarching knowledge holds.
They have the power to incept, to plant ideas in the minds of other parties which may not be true.
They have the power to hide, to only show certain sides of themselves and certain ideas they have.
They have the power to exploit the other parties, to manipulate and gain almost total control of their relationship.
Then of course, they have the power to tear apart their relationship with ease.

...Especially if it comes to the matters of the heart...

Saturday, 20 August 2011


Consciously or not, we are all bound by uncountable chains;
chains that tie us to certain objects, restricting our movement and defining our boundaries.
Some of which we are aware of, some of which we are not.
Some of which we create ourselves, some of which are forced onto us.
Some of which we can break, some of which holds on to us for life.

Nonetheless, it is always painful to have something hold us back,
when we want to break off, when we want to move forward.
Suffocating under the pressure yet unable to release the strain,
we often find ourselves succumb to fate, choosing to stay within our designated areas and 顺其自然.

Then, why do we create some of these chains?
The simple reason being, we are humans.
These chains, beyond their malice, are essentially what makes up our safety nets,
to prevent us from falling too deep and going too dark.
They are the safety ropes we can hold onto when the going gets dangerous,
the lifeline we grab when we are drowning,
the bungee cord that bounces us back up.

However, to bring out the most in ourselves, we cannot afford to let those chains pull us back.
We need to pull fast and pull strong, to break the useless burden and redefine ourselves.
To be freed, from chains...

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Do I have Common Sense?

What is Common Sense? Does it actually exist, within all of us?
Web Definitions
Common = Prevalent
Sense = Keen intuitive awareness of or sensitivity to the presence or importance of something;
Common Sense = Good sense and sound judgment in practical matters

Thing is, the actual definition of this concept is anything BUT common, isn't it?
Sense and judgement is never based on only one variable.
In reality, a true dichotomy is close to impossible.
As such, a decision is surely based on many different factors,
some of which we consciously consider, some of which we unconsciously do so, some of which we don't consider at all.
How exactly do we determine a person's "good sense and sound judgement"?
Is it then, in"common sense”ical" to judge?

Monday, 1 August 2011

Who am I? You sure you want to know?

*This is not an emo post...dun everytime I post say I emoing...*

In life, there are always so many things happening around us.
It is really up to us to filter out what we think are more important and process them to form deductions.
That's the basis of experience and living life, is it not?
The Chains of Inner Darkness
Yet, there are so many things that we should not know, things we were never meant to filter out and understand.
Ignorance is the human souls self-protecting mechanism, from the unknown and possibly harmful.
Some things are best left ambiguous, happy and cheery on its own, rather than poking so deep into it and opening the Pandora's box.
I suppose I only have myself to blame, for breaking a window from this firewall out of sheer imprudence...
DeviantARTist: I like the idea that an apple represents knowledge.
All of us know knowledge is power and someone who is very powerful is likely to become corrupt.
The main idea is the corruption of knowledge.
There are some things which I pretend not to see, pretend not to hear and pretend not to know.
This is more than just plainly telling people I don't know things that I do, that would be outright lying.
It involves the intricate mechanisms of crafting language, actions and impressionistic ideas.
Kinda like Inception, just less science fiction, more real world and tangible.
Such is not to deny the burden of knowledge, for it has been acquired and can never be lifted.
It is what I deem as the best way to protect what I hold dear and myself.
Against the Darkness
Knowledge is powerful, spare me from reinstating.
As such, one has to be ever so careful when giving this kind of power to others.
This includes people with malicious intent,
who would use that kind of power against you and destroy you from the inside.
On the other hand, this also includes people whom you care for,
whom you truly want to protect from dangers that kind of power would entail.
Lastly, there is the ever present need to protect yourself,
for fear of being burnt by the wildfire that so often entails even the most minute oversight.
The kelpie is a malicious creature that preys on the innocent and trusting.
On touching a kelpie, disguised as a horse with a mane of reeds,
you are bound to it and dragged underwater to drown.
But what if death was not so bad?
Maybe the kelpie regrets, maybe the girl forgives.
Relationships, even the of the strongest caliber, can get strained and shaken in just a few acts of indiscretion.
Such is the danger of knowledge without restraint.
Every syllable counts, every word matters and every emoticon, as impromptu as they may seem to be, weighs a thousand tons.
At least, that is what I have gathered from my knowledge and experience in text conversations.
I can talk to total strangers and make them open up to me in one conversation,
or conversely hate me for life in a few sentences, tried and tested. Can you?
That's the power of knowledge and its transference to another.
Yet, so many people around us are leaking such information to everyone else.
Good or bad? That's not up for me to comment.
"No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, the ones I love will always be the ones who pay." - Peter Parker