Saturday, 20 August 2011


Consciously or not, we are all bound by uncountable chains;
chains that tie us to certain objects, restricting our movement and defining our boundaries.
Some of which we are aware of, some of which we are not.
Some of which we create ourselves, some of which are forced onto us.
Some of which we can break, some of which holds on to us for life.

Nonetheless, it is always painful to have something hold us back,
when we want to break off, when we want to move forward.
Suffocating under the pressure yet unable to release the strain,
we often find ourselves succumb to fate, choosing to stay within our designated areas and 顺其自然.

Then, why do we create some of these chains?
The simple reason being, we are humans.
These chains, beyond their malice, are essentially what makes up our safety nets,
to prevent us from falling too deep and going too dark.
They are the safety ropes we can hold onto when the going gets dangerous,
the lifeline we grab when we are drowning,
the bungee cord that bounces us back up.

However, to bring out the most in ourselves, we cannot afford to let those chains pull us back.
We need to pull fast and pull strong, to break the useless burden and redefine ourselves.
To be freed, from chains...

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