Tuesday, 1 November 2011


Hmm, come to think of it, I actually surprised myself.
To think of all the things I'm willing to accept, to do, and to not do.
Its not that I don't care - in fact I really do - but it just doesn't seem to get to me?
Am I really that "大量"?

Maybe its because I've been through so much,
to the point that I can actually put myself in the shoes of others and 体谅 what they do.
I mean, sometimes when you truly understand the rationale,
the thought process behind seemingly "bad" or "evil" acts, you see the act for its worth.
You choose to forgive, to smile it off, to compromise even.

Maybe not mistakes per se, but different decisions

But has it led me too far?
Am I...too understanding?
I don't know...

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