Saturday, 21 May 2011

New Blog... + Pile of stuff

Decided that I might as well start a new blog...


Its been a while since I really wanted to change something, to make something right, and make sure that it stays that way. This is, of course, the final goal.

But there is almost always this "resistance", this mundane and useless pile of "things" that just don't want to let you have your way. It sometimes seem as if they were there for the sole purpose of blocking you.
~ You can't remove them cos it would lead to chain reactions and side-effects which are too costly to risk.
~You can't move around them cos if you slip and fall you'll get into deep trouble.
~And you obviously can't convince them to kindly move aside, cos its just plain ridiculous talking to some pile of stuff.
How? Brute force and push the entire pile of stuff together with you then...

Then you'll need to consider this "time" thingy.
There is only so much of it you have. Its not like you can't ask for more, but the price is like $∞*10^∞...

So how? There is only so much a human can do, even if the human have sold half his soul to his cause.

- MZ

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