Tuesday 7 August 2012


My Memory ~
모두 기억해요 그 순간~

To the individual as an entity, everything that's external of the body is but a memory.
Things we possess, people we meet, experiences we have; of them we have nothing but memories.
Just think of someone you know- the looks, the voice, the touch, the feel-
our only true keepsake is but a memory of the person...

And just like any other, memories come and go; they fade and resurface, then get forgotten again.
Come to think of it, it is only logical for memories to fade off after awhile,
when they become less important, less of an issue.

It only seems irrational for the mind to hold onto a piece of memory, just one in a million,
and hold on to it so dear, to the point that it becomes a part of your own existence;
to combine it with the same mechanics of life that drives you to breath and eat.
Then, the memory becomes a part of you...

You' re far away ~
닿을 수 없는 곳에~

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