Friday 16 December 2011

To the Loved...

没那麼简单 就能找到 聊得来的伴
尤其是在 看过了那麼多的背叛
I think I love you

越是认真 就越让人心疼
街头那盏路灯 仿佛在笑我愚笨
没什么能做 但我比谁都真城
泡一杯苦茶 陪伴你到夜深
你知不知道 你总有一种能可爱的独特
让我充满勇气 抵抗冬天的寒冷
怎样做才会完美 像个男人
喝一杯苦茶温暖 你的体温
爱就是这样 'cause I miss you

你不必问 你也不必等
这一刻 就值得爱到永恒
想照顾你 想守护着你
这一刻 只想把你抱紧
喜欢你善良 陪你去逛逛
会偶尔吵架 吵累了说贴心的话
I'm falling for you

总是不安 只好强悍
爱就是这样 Now I need you
当你说要守护幸福 不打烊

没那麼简单 就能去爱 别的全不看
变得实际 也许好也许坏各一半
相爱没有那麼容易 每个人有他的脾气
过了爱作梦的年纪 轰轰烈烈不如平静
幸福没有那麼容易 才会特别让人著迷
曾经最掏心 所以最开心

深刻的烙在心里 最温柔的酷刑
连闭上眼睛 怎麽都是你
你可不可以爱我 可不可以想我

怎样做才会完美 像个男人

每当你出现我身旁 就感觉爱情的重量
我越在意越难衡量 就越放不下
我们越看就像 不说也能了解对方
少了你世界就照不亮  你一定会再给我力量
在我的世界 都会有你守护肩膀

I think I love you *^_^*
P.s. Lines belong to random artists :)

To the HeartBroken...

曾几何时我成了局外人  而无言以对?
去珍惜身边每个 美好风景。

他有种真命天子般的人 你还记得吗?
让你日夜忘不了的人 你还记得吗?
年少相知的人  即使过一辈子 也无法忘怀
有你的感动 我都记得啊!

不顾一切的爱才算是爱 从来没有感慨一路走来,
所有的无奈 都只是无奈。。。

心不曾被伤害 就能无瑕疵地爱,

你们要快乐 要天长地久
你们没有错 爱是自由
你们要快乐 要紧紧牵手
你们不幸福 我会难过
P.s. All lines belong to 李圣杰, 品冠and黄小琥

Wednesday 7 December 2011


Haha, I bet nobody can understand this song and this movie better than me ^_^
To be contiued... :)

Sunday 4 December 2011

More on Love's "is"s and "is not"s

Figured its about time I picked up where I left off.

Love is a form of emotional connection.
As far as I try to, it can't be fully described.
You'll know its Love when it is ^_^

Love is to give, and not ask for anything in return.
To willingly contribute in silence, or even in intended anonymity, to someone's life, that is what lasting love is about, isn't it?
愿意付出而不求回报; easy to say, but difficult to achieve.

And because of that, Love is not utilitarian.
In utilitarian ideology of fair exchange, one will only give when an absolute fair return is guaranteed.
It is about considering the costs and benefits, about weighing the pros and cons rationally, before making a "logical" decision.
Yet, this goes against the entire notion of Love as abovementioned.
As such, this cont-benefit thing just doesn't work for love.

However, Love is not an absolute commitment.
Many of times, with the influence of social stereotypes and media, we think of love only in the form of "girlfriends" and "boyfriends".
Yet, we forgot that love is not only that, nor is it all about that.
How can such a precious connection be defined by a name and just a name,
about the petty things people to just to satisfy a certain role mostly predetermined by society?
To Love is to feel, not to do.

Moreover, Love is not a tool for exploitation.
Contempt is the proven top cause for divorce in society, for putting oneself about another upsets this intricate balance.
Using love as a leverage, as a blackmail, is doomed to lead to broken hearts and painful tears.
There is no "I need to because I love you", only "I want to because I love you".

Love is not defined by distances, for it stems from the heart and not by the senses.
Love is to think of each other in the darkest hours, to 同甘共苦,
because it is having someone you can hold on to, to give you solace in times of need.
Love is to feel empty when someone is not around, and full again when that person returns.

Love is knowing that it is Love ^_^

Thursday 1 December 2011


Friday 25 November 2011

Dedicated to an Emo Friend

Welcome to my blog :)
Dedicated to you and her.
May this be the last time you'll emo over it ^_^


"Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts, instead."

You'd know how the time flies.
Only yesterday, it was the time of our lives.
You and me together nothing gets better.
We could have had it all, rolling in the deep.

But there's a side, to you that I never knew...

I let it fall, my heart.
The scars of your love reminds me of us,
they keep me thinking that we almost had it all.
You had my heart and soul your hands,
but you played it to the beat.
I set fire to the rain...

Old friend, why are you so shy?
Ain't like you to hold back, or hide from the lights.

I heard that you've settled down.
I heard that your dreams came through.
Even now, when we're already over,
I can't help myself from looking for you.
I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.

Nothing compares, no worries or cares.
Regrets and mistakes they're memories made.
Who would have know how bitter sweet this would taste?

Never mind, I'll find someone like you.
I wish nothing but the best, for you too.

I'll remember you said, "Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts, instead."

Adapted from Rolling in the Deep, Set Fire to the Rain, Someone Like You - Adele

Tuesday 1 November 2011


Hmm, come to think of it, I actually surprised myself.
To think of all the things I'm willing to accept, to do, and to not do.
Its not that I don't care - in fact I really do - but it just doesn't seem to get to me?
Am I really that "大量"?

Maybe its because I've been through so much,
to the point that I can actually put myself in the shoes of others and 体谅 what they do.
I mean, sometimes when you truly understand the rationale,
the thought process behind seemingly "bad" or "evil" acts, you see the act for its worth.
You choose to forgive, to smile it off, to compromise even.

Maybe not mistakes per se, but different decisions

But has it led me too far?
Am I...too understanding?
I don't know...

Saturday 22 October 2011


I like it better when the sun is up.
But when the rain starts pouring, it gets messy...
Pray that the sun will shine again...

Wednesday 19 October 2011


If I had to pick one most important thing about life, it will be connection.

No matter who we associate with, it is important for us to find that "connection",
that certain understanding, that mutual trust.

Yet, connection can be such a queer thing...

Thursday 6 October 2011


I think its more fear than anything else.
My eyes, are they saying anything right now?
I shall just type the random words that come to mind, since I really don't know what to say.

心酸,hollow, stoning, unknown pain from somewhere, heart beating extremely fast, small actions have large impacts, somewhere but nowhere, maybe seeing tears has a part to play, can't get it out of my head, don't know what is what, how much do I mean to the world?, its not what people do but what they don't do that defines them, it can't be helped, I can only do so much, maybe I put my heart too deep into something..., side effects of my instincts..., scratching of violin strings sound so sad..., how did my eyes actually start burning...?, when the sms came?..., I shouldn't cry, I really shouldn't..., why this me?..., how to stop myself from emoing like this?, it didn't hurt when i found out on my own, but saying it is just..., whats that "thing"?..., I don't know, I really don't know why anymore...

Still emotionally unstable after all these while...
My own composition continues to corrode...

Thursday 29 September 2011

Things I don't understand

I'm not perfect, there are just things I don't know, don't understand.
Top of the list, sad to day, is human communication.
As much as we would like to deny, humans don't really understand about humans, do they?
We behave in certain ways, feel certain things, contemplate on certain issues; very much unquantifiable (or aquantifiable).

Thing is, do we actually know what we are saying when we are saying certain things?
The simplest, yet also most complicated, aspect of communication would certainly be none other than interpretation.

Certain languages seem to portray certain ideas better than others.
Take Modern English, apt for facts, logic and rationale.
Compare to French, language of love.
Compare to Chinese, language of history and culture.
Compare to Korean, language of "korean dramas" (that we link to nowadays)

The very point of communication is to get an idea across to the opposite party.
It hence involves two steps, the delivery and the interpretation.
The delivery we can control, but the interpretation we cannot.
Exact same words can be inferred in a billion ways.
Not everyone can catch the nuances of the words, and not everyone will interpret it the same way.

This is the root of the problem, whereby the speaker and the listener might interpret the words in a different way.
Think GP, think inference, think "what is the writer trying to imply?".

I don't think I'll ever get this...this human communication thing...
Thats why I believe in music :)

Sunday 18 September 2011


You know the feeling, of people disappearing in your life?

No information, no coincides, no nothing.
Its like they just vanished, never existed.
Thing is, they will never vanish, never disappear,
in the memories, the minds, the hearts.

Why do such things happen?
Is it because of time, dragging the distance?
Is it because of space, being there for too long?
Is it because of just "because of"s, or is it more than that?

Should you feel remorse, for what you never knew you did wrong?
Should you feel pain, for what you thought shouldn't hurt?
Should you feel sad, for prospects and projections that may not be true?

I don't know... you tell me?

Thursday 15 September 2011


You know the feeling of helplessness when you feel it. And only when you feel it.
Its like some kind of void, some part missing in the jigsaw, something left hanging in midair.
Awkward, out of place, neglected, useless. Helpless.
You try and you try again, yet do can't get what you want, what you deserve even.
But what can you do about it? Nothing.

On one hand, you are tempted, attracted, made, forced to do something,
but on the other you simply can't do it right, properly, the way you want it.
Many of times, it is really not your fault.
People around you might say it is, friends around you might consider it as, you might insist it to be, but it really isn't.
We are humans, restraint by body, mind, soul, circumstances etc etc
We can only do that much.

Thing is, we can never always get what we want.
One of the ultimate goals in life, really, is to learn to cope with that, live with that, live in that.
Easier said than done...

p.s. I know I really can't do much now, but at least know that I'll be there, ya?